AlioCare at Linked in Lunch.

AlioCare® en Linked in Lunch.

Raffle, gifts and health benefits.

This coming 6 February, AlioCare® tiene el honor de estar presente, con stand own, in the event of Linked in Lunch in Granada. There, as well as attending to all the visitors to the event, we will give them a gift and they will be able to participate in a prize draw for a basket of high quality products.

For those who would like to visit us, we would like to give you some information about AlioCare®.

AlioCare® is a concentrate of garlic and onion extracts which, in several scientific studies, has demonstrated health benefits. The knowledge of these benefits has allowed us to develop the range AlioCare®: AlioCare® Inmune, AlioCare® Cardio, AlioCare® Vital and AlioCare® Gastrum.

AlioCare® Inmune is already available. AlioCare® Inmune is AlioCare® that has been enriched with Zinc and Vitamin C to enhance its immunoprotective effect as both nutrients contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system.

If you want more information about AlioCare®, click on the reference.



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