100% Natural Formula

The benefits
of garlic and onion
in a single capsule

Supplements rich in natural bioactive allicin analogues

AlioCare®. For your immunological well-being. For your health.

Natural food supplement

AlioCare® is a food supplement based on a special formulation that includes garlic powder (Allium sativum) and onion extract (Allium cepa), but there is much more...

What makes AlioCare® special?

Its uniqueness comes from the patented method of obtaining its formula. This process allows AlioCare® to be rich in natural bioactive compounds similar to Allicin.

Allicin (garlic's natural compound), although it contains a multitude of favorable properties, is highly unstable, which leads to its fast degradation and reduces its benefits significantly


Decades of research have allowed the Allicin-like compounds contained in AlioCare® to have greater stability and bioavailability, ensuring in one capsule all the beneficial properties of garlic and onion.

To guarantee the maintenance of these properties, AlioCare® is not subjected to deodorization processes as these methods can destroy the valuable garlic and onion active ingredients.

If you are looking for something different, innovative and natural... this is the place for you!”


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What differentiates AlioCare®?

100% natural ingredients (plant-based), suitable for vegans.

Alliaceous plant extract, with all the benefits of garlic and onion.

Scientifically tested through several clinical studies.

Standardized formula, guaranteeing the same content per capsule.

No deodorization processes keeping the main active ingredients intact.

Bioactive compounds of greater stability and bioavailability, increasing added value.

Delayed-release vegetable encapsulation that masks the natural odor and flavor of garlic and onions.

High concentration of natural bioactive compounds: unlike most products that consist of the dried plant extract.


The information contained in this website has not been evaluated by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) or other regulatory body. The ingredients listed on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

R&D Research articles


Cómo subir las defensas en momentos de estrés de forma natural

Por desgracia, el estrés se ha convertido en un compañero constante. Ya sea por el trabajo, las responsabilidades familiares o situaciones inesperadas, nuestro cuerpo y mente se ven sometidos a una presión continua. Esta tensión…


Cómo reforzar el sistema inmune de forma natural

Un sistema inmune fuerte es clave para mantenernos sanos y prevenir enfermedades. Afortunadamente, existen muchas formas naturales de fortalecer nuestras defensas sin recurrir a medicamentos. En este artículo, te compartiremos algunos consejos prácticos y efectivos…

molécula de la alicina del ajo

¿Qué es y para qué sirve la alicina?

Esta sustancia ha capturado la atención de la comunidad científica debido a sus potenciales beneficios para la salud. En este artículo, exploraremos en detalle qué es la alicina y para qué sirve, así como sus…


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If you have any questions or queries, you can contact us and we will respond as soon as possible.

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Camino de Jayena, 82, 18620 - Alhendín, Granada (ESPAÑA)

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