
Alliaceae: a natural ally

Since ancient times, alliaceous plants, including garlic and onions, have been used for many culinary and medicinal purposes, mainly due to their various health benefits.

It was primarily their use as natural antibiotics which aroused the interest of the scientific community. Today there is a wide range of research and clinical studies around the world aimed at providing conclusive scientific evidence for the benefits of daily consumption of alliaceae [1].

In addition to their antimicrobial activity, in recent years much of this research has focused on demonstrating their efficacy in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disorders and in improving immune response, among others.

The active ingredients responsible for the health-promoting properties of foods such as garlic and onions are organosulphur compounds [2].

Apart from these bioactive compounds, alliaceous plants contain other components beneficial to health such as vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, flavonoids and fibre, as the most abundant [3].

What are the benefits of AlioCare®?

AlioCare® contiene vitamina C y zinc para contribuir al funcionamiento normal del sistema inmune, potenciando los efectos inmunoestimuladores y antioxidantes.

Desde tiempo inmemorial se conocen los beneficios de consumir regularmente ajo y cebolla. Hay muchas pruebas y estudios científicos de peso que vinculan el consumo de ajo y cebolla con un buen estado inmunológico, una mejor salud cardiovascular entre otros. De esta manera, la sabiduría popular asocia el consumo de ajo y cebolla con la prevención de la gripe y del resfriado común.


What makes AlioCare Inmune special?

AlioCare®, unlike other garlic and onion nutritional supplements, is standardised in active sulphur compounds. After decades of research and using a novel production process, AlioCare Inmune® guarantees a minimum content of active ingredients per capsule. It is also deodorised, as the odour removal process used by other manufacturers often destroys these valuable active ingredients.

The active compounds in AlioCare Inmune® are naturally present in garlic and onions in low concentrations, so very large amounts of these foods must be consumed to reach the concentration available in a single capsule. In comparison, an individual would need to consume approximately 2 medium-sized cloves of garlic and one medium-sized onion per day to obtain the benefits of AlioCare Inmune®.

AlioCare® does not contain allicin, a similar compound which, although very beneficial, is extremely unstable, degrades rapidly and loses its properties. Unlike allicin, the organosulfur compounds in AlioCare Inmune® are very stable, ensuring a standardised content per capsule.

Finally, AlioCare Inmune® is enriched with Vitamin C and Zinc to support the immune system.

It is a scientifically proven product. Numerous scientific studies carried out by independent centres of international prestige have demonstrated the enormous benefits of AlioCare Inmune® in improving the immune response and preventing various disorders.

For more information on the benefits of AlioCare Inmune® and its active ingredients, please visit our Research Articles section.

R&D Research articles

molécula de la alicina del ajo

¿Qué es y para qué sirve la alicina?

Esta sustancia ha capturado la atención de la comunidad científica debido a sus potenciales beneficios para la salud. En este artículo, exploraremos en detalle qué es la alicina y para qué sirve, así como sus…

Extracto de ajo y cebolla para tener un envejecimiento saludable

Eficacia del extracto de ajo y cebolla para un envejecimiento saludable

El envejecimiento es un proceso natural del cuerpo humano que conlleva cambios físicos y fisiológicos. Sin embargo, existen formas de promover un envejecimiento saludable mediante la incorporación de ciertos alimentos en nuestra dieta. Entre estos…

The benefits of garlic and onion on Linkedin.

Potenciando los beneficios del ajo y la cebolla

Los beneficios del ajo y la cebolla en Linkedin El pasado día 6 de febrero, en el evento organizado por Linked Lunch en Granada, AlioCare estuvo presente con stand propio. En dicho evento se presentó…


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